今天跟波波去看電影--"倒數第二個男朋友  Good Luck Chuck"




Good Luck Chuck


類  型:愛情喜劇

片  長:1時40分

導  演:馬克海費瑞奇

演  員:【驚奇4超人】潔西卡艾巴、丹庫克



劇情簡介(From Yahoo Movie)
一切都從羅查理十歲那年開始。當年他破壞了轉瓶子遊戲的規則,拒絕和一個瘋狂的哥德系女孩接吻,進而慘遭女孩詛咒…二十五年後,查理(丹庫克 飾)成為一個成功的牙醫師,但詛咒卻仍然伴隨著他,當整型醫師好友史朱(丹佛格勒 飾)放肆追求病患同時,查理卻總遇不到合適的女孩。

更糟的是,他在前女友的婚禮上,發現每個和他上過床的女人,都在和他分手後,馬上找到真愛。在他查覺這件事之前,「幸運查理」的名聲早已讓性感的陌生女子、甚至是診所內肥嘟嘟的接待員都爭相與他共度一宿。但這種只有性而沒有愛的生活,卻讓查理更加寂寞,直到他遇見了阿金(潔西卡艾芭 飾),一個總被意外事故圍繞的企鵝專家,雖然和她的美麗外表一樣令人難以企及,但隨著發自內心的真摯情愫蔓延,查理明白自己必須在他的完美情人遇見下一個對象之前,破除身上的魔咒!



The feeling---Love it when you call

I found a switch
I turn it on
I hit the ditch
You carried on
I was so near
Now you're so far
Are you quite sure
Just who you are?

Oh I thought you could use a friend but you don't seem to have the time
I, I wonder if you'll ever get to say what's on your mind
Take a little time
Take a little time

I love it when you call
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
So what's the complication?
It's only conversation
I love it when you call
But you never call at all, oh....
He loves it when you call
He loves it when you call

Remember me?
I used to be
Your best-time buddy
That you couldn't wait to see
We're getting old
It takes it's toll
And hearts getting broken leads to people growing cold

Oh I, I'm flipping with a coin that's got a tail on either side
I, I'm gonna be the one who makes you stop and realise
You can have it all, yeah
We should have it all

I love it when you call
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
So what's the complication?
It's only conversation
I love it when you call
But you never call at all, oh....
He loves it when you call
He loves it when you call

Yeah baby, yeah I want to be your saint,
Yeah, and I wonder who you've seen
And I hope you've found your dream
When you do I really hope it's what it seems

I love it when you call
I love it when you call
I love it when you call
But you never call at all
So what's the complication?
It's only conversation
I love it when you call
But you never call at all, oh....


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